blog archive

Monday, December 15, 2008

about to Keel over - Kaput.

the insanity is over.
and now i'm fatigued.
lots to say.
but not wanting to make much of an effort.
i'll just answer a tag?
i will.


hope you enjoy!

(ps: 'twas a boy called colin who taggeth me on that dreary cold night, when not a creature was stirring, not even a .. alright, that's enough. i'll get going. MERRY early CHRISTMAS by the way. and happy holidays! and have a happy break-from-studies-exams-are-over time! i know i am. )

les Rules.
you must answer all of the questions with a word that begins with the same letter from either your name, blogger ID, or blog name.

1. What is your name: kettle.
2. A 4-letter word: keys.
3. A boy's name: kirs(topher) :) (ps: you are tagged. though you've probably done this already by now. good luck with the k's, bud.)
4. A girl's name: kayako. the grudge girl. shegonnkillyou.
5. An occupation: kids. quite the job, they are..
6. A colour: khaki.
7. Something you wear: kilt.
8. A beverage: kahlua.
9. A food: ketchup. it is food, don't question me. made of tomatoes and.. sugar.
10. Something found in the bathroom: keeper of the towel. that man who stands there and you dry your hands on that towel he holds. yeah.
11. A place: kosovo.
12. A reason for being late: knocked out.
13. Something you shout: KEWL BEANS.

also tagged: evan and sam.


colinM. said...


Kettle said...

i have a friend who eats it like its food.

Anonymous said...

Damn I've been tagged? By whom!?

Luls @ Kilt wearin's

LULS at WV: "Fryon"

Ye best be fryon them ketchups fer dinner!

evanfrederickmacquarrie said...

i think my favourite is reason for being late: knocked out.
that's an excellent reason.

evanfrederickmacquarrie said...

also, i once knew a man who ate condiment sandwiches.
bread, ketchup, mustard.
he missed hamburgers when he went vegetarian.