blog archive

Monday, November 10, 2008

the way i are

we're gonna dig, dig, dig, and dig some more, and get to the core of my very foundations.
we'll at least find something. 6 things, to be precise.
because really, i don't even know what's down there. who knows.. it might be bottomless.
so let's narrow it down, and begin with a few facts.
we have to start somewhere, mm?
especially if ya's all gonna be following me around for what could be the rest of my life.

why are we doing this?
because i've been tagged, that's what. yeah. woah. one of those note thingis. whatcha think about that, buddy-o'-pals-o'-mine? i think it's spiffy.

this is how it goes:

firstly- Link the blogger who tagged you.
secondly- In your blog, post the rules and then...
thirdly- Place 6 quirky facts about yourself that no one knows.
fourthly- Tag six other bloggers and link them.
fifthly- Visit each person and leave them a comment informing them that they have been

so, i must say..
i've been double-tagged.
either i'm special,
or we're just all pretty friendless and alone in this big crazy world of bloggers.

i'll pick the first one :) and ,
they both make my day,
and they could make yours- so go see, and be greatly amused and/or meet some of the greatest people i know.

and now, for the feature presentation: CAROLE.
introducing that short Acadian woman.
UN ----> i apparently eat like a man. i can't hold my fork or spoon like a proper lady.
DEUX ----> i like to eat noodles plain more than with sauce. okay, butter/salt/pepper too.
TROIS ----> i would love to learn how to shoot a gun, and wish there was a shooting range
around here.
QUATRE ----> i've only ever failed anything once, and it was a project in junior high.
CINQ ----> i once played a smurf on stage.
SIX ----> i have considered joining the armed forces in foreign countries after my
education is complete, and still am. (not necessarily as an armed soldier, as
you could assume from fact 3. more or less following up on my dreams of
cultural anthropology)


(oh oh

look look
not gonna tag anyone
what a rebel.
here's my chance.
and watch it go
there it is - and it's gone.)


beckyannnnnnn said...

eww. noodles with no sauce??


evanfrederickmacquarrie said...

the end killed me. I was on TENTERHOOKS
waiting for those tags to drop
