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Friday, January 9, 2009

'cause it's you, *<3!*

PS: To be cont'd.

Dum deedle dum..
*lack of fancy intro*

So, you COULD comment, if you so desire. Just leave a name sort of thing, and all of a sudden, I'll respond. Pretty fun! .. Pis, c'est de même que c'est.

1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll tell you which song or movie you remind me of.
3. I'll pick a food substance to throw at you in the school cafeteria.
4. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me (if possible, if not, I'll say something that only makes sense to me).
5. I'll tell you my first memory of you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something I've always wondered about you.
8. I'll tell you my favorite thing about you.
9. If you decide to play, you COULD post this on yours. See, I'm not COLIN, as I don't use peer pressure. Yeah. Cheese and rice... ... .... :)


Colinnnn! :)
You are my future ex..
My future EXnextdoorneighbor, that is... mm-yeah. Or at least our dads. So only half of you? .. I suck at math.
Every time I hear Metric, I think of you. COULD BE because of that one time, when we went to that concert, FRONT ROW! Could also be just because it's so plainly you. I mean, I know you *heart* the band, but I feel the essence of Cloin when I hear it. Yush. Also, Drive My Soul. Only because we were both mesmerized by it when we each heard it for the first time on the radio, and then we had a "ME TOO! You're creepy" moment, and that was cool.
A (sensually) half-eaten banana.
"I'm psychic."
It MIGHT be that time Becky took me under her wing. Cafeteria. Oh, that table.
A Daschund. Yes. A Daschund... puppy. Don't even ask. It's women's intuition.
Hm.. If you could live/visit, overall travel to any one country and spend time there, where would you go..? Actually, I have TONS of questions. I'm very curious. We should play 21 questions some day.
I love that you are so incredibly easy to talk to (because you are just so accepting!), are so easy-going, seem to never actually be angry (or else you hide it well and have wonderful self-control), that you laugh at anything I might say in my attempt to be funny (even if it isn't reeeeally) ... in general, I just love being around you! You exude such a calming aura... I don't "even" know ;)

Becky !!!!! :)
You have this Buzz Lightyear thing (piñata?) hanging in your room, and I love it, and I want it, and I NEED it. Actually, the way you design/decorate your room - so many bright colors, spontaenous things, so ... Becky. It's GREAT!
2. Everything, by Michael Bublé. So, I took forever to actually choose SOMEthing. I could not find a song that just summed up what you remind me of.. So I picked EVERYthing. Minus the "oh, I'm in romantic love with you" tone, I just think the world of you; in every way possible.
3. Couscous. Because it's fun to say, fun to eat, fun to touch, and likely fun to get out of one's hair :) AND, it's free of meat.
4. If anything else happens.. and I feel out of whack.. who'magunnacall? -- GHOSTBUSTERBECKY.
5. History class, Grade 12, first day at TOSH. Miss Power(s). Sat right thurr, in that little circle of desks, and you were there. And then you ditched. So I sat with Lin and this other girl whose name I forget due to the fact that I think she dropped out? Anyway. You ditched. : But then you took me under your wing (like that drawing in my yearbook). Not sure whether I actually asked you to sit with you in the caf and then tailed you forever like some clingy toddler, OR, whether you came up to me? My memory fades.. I swear, I'll have Alzheimer's when I'm old.
Google image "red panda."
7. Is there ANY movie you haven't seen or refuse to see?
8. OH, this one is a toughie. I can't just pick one (ie: #2). It's like, you're just, AGH, a person I just can't do without? No matter how much I can hate myself for something or for whatever reason or sometimes for no reason, you always manage to make me like me within a matter of minutes. You are sweet and compassionate, and those boundaries are limitless! Literally ready to bend over backwards to be there. You're inspiring; through photos, words, and most of all through vibrant passion. You are likely one of the most passionate people I have ever met. You are incredibly easy to confide to, and I don't feel like I could have this trust with just anyone. I build so many walls, but I just tear them down like they're made of styrofoam for you. It's just.. YOU. There's something about you that draws me to you, always wanting to know more and understand, always needing you around, wondering what you think, or just looking for that good laugh or just curious about all things surrounding your unique style of clothing/music/personality etc. etc. Essentially, my favorite thing about you is that you are in my life and are a crucial part to what makes it so wonderful.


colinM. said...

Colinnnn! :)

beckyannnnnnn said...

Becky!!!!! :)

Anonymous said...


wv: Platene: A plate size nectarine.

Anonymous said...

Too good to pass up:

wv: imolaest: The latin form of molestation.

evanfrederickmacquarrie said...


but when I saw it the first time, i thought it said restgood and i was like "heyyy. that's a real word!"

Gaki Girl said...

I didnt know u had a blog!!
Thnx for goin on mine =) I just started it hehe

evanfrederickmacquarrie said...

carole! you haven't touched your blog in SO LONG :(
I liked when you used to put things on here.
it feels all lonely now, I can tell.