blog archive

Sunday, November 9, 2008

so many wants, only so many gets.

can i do this?

i'll try.

my hardest, i promise.


all my time.

i sat for hours in that library. articles and articles and articles and articles and articles, and that one book. had to go back for that one. seems like you always have to go back for the worthwhile. no matter how hard it is. all i have to do is pushpushpushpushHEEEEAVE, until all of a sudden, i might move forward - EUREKA. finally getting somewhere.

and then, there's that next step. HALT damn. novanet frozen again, you frigger. things always seem to stall and/or break on me. so then i'm stuck where i started. blank page, just waiting for it to change. didn't i fill you already? nope. not really. not with anything meaningful. you might research, think you know a little something about something, but ohhhNO, you don't know, you can't know yet. you still have to piece it (alltogethernow). find what ties it all up. but that's just how it is, and sometimes i enjoy the challenge. it gets overwhelming, for sure, and sometimes i feel that collapse coming (eversoclose), but i know it'll all be worth it in the end.

it has to be.
why can't it?
i'll make it. no one else will, because no one else is, and i'm the only one (areyououtthere?)
there's enough fight (left) in me, and giving up is no longer an option. i'ma get'r DONE, i'ma write some essay(andthenthoseotherones,alwaysotherones), and i'll do it in style.
you'll see.
i can do this,


colinM. said...

Ohhhh the Angus L. MacDonald Library.
always a fun time, isn't it?

i really like reading your blogs, kettle.
i feel like i can really connect to some of you say.

and dun stress over the essays (ahh!) too much. just think of how nice it'll be when they're all finally done!


colinM. said...

*some of WHAT you say.

made a teensy mistake.

evanfrederickmacquarrie said...

mm, novanet.
i've been there.

(not...THERE. but there.)
this makes sense?
the glories of deadlines! essays! letters!

colinM. said...

bitch please, you been TAGGEDDD!!!
i wanna know six RANDAM facts about'ya now

Kettle said...

Mmm, I like to have fun with Angus :D

I'll try not to stress too much, about the essays and other things, promise. Also vurrrry glad you both appear to enjoy reading my nonsense and even connect with it :) It gives me the warm fuzzies.

In other words, thanks for the comments!

Kettle said...

OH, fiiine. Whore.
Six facts, comin' right up!


evanfrederickmacquarrie said...

i have also tagged you.

you know the rules, i do believe.
but in case you don't, you may feel free to chexx my post "Six."

colinM. said...

also, it's not nonsense.
and reading your blog gives me the warm fuzzies.
i just told becky that like.. 2.5 minutes ago.

Kettle said...


Which means, MASSIVE smile and seriously blushing face (in MSN lingo, I suppose I'd have to add :$ .)

Ohhh, CLOIN *<3!*
I LURRRVES you! You pretty much just made my day, today. It can no longer be ruined.
I LOVE YOU GUYS, sooo much!
I don't understand why it is you like to make me feel so good.